
The Fenix Carriage Driving Centre has some of the finest facilities in Britain and is open all year round with over 45 acres of off road driving and quiet country lanes.

Mark and Joanna offer tuition and practice in any of the driving disciplines, along with beginner’s lessons, and a key part of our work is in training horses to be driven, and schooling them to higher levels of performance.

We have safe, sound, forward going horses for you to learn on if you don’t bring your own.

Beginners lessons will be with the famous Topper (and Mark or Joanna!)

Singles from £60/hour

Pairs and Tandems from £125

Four in Hand – prices on request

Course can be arranged for 3-5 days and tailored to your own requirements.  Prices on request

Gift certificates are also available.

Look at our facilities:

  • 100 x 40 all weather arena with Ideal driving surface.
  • 100 x 40 grass dressage arena.
  • 80 x 40 grass dressage arena.
  • Competition cone training course.
  • Six permanent Obstacles.
  • BDS training and examination centre.
  • WATO training and examination centre.
  • Large, light, airy loose-boxes for visiting horses and ponies.


All instruction by MARK BROADBENT – UKcc Coach, BDS Stage 1,2,3,4 & L.H.H.I. or Joanna Broadbent (UKcc)

Driving courses are individually tailored to suit each client.

Gift Vouchers are available.

We are happy to welcome complete beginners and we use our confidence giving pony – ‘Topper’.

For joint lessons with one turnout, half price for second person.

Horses and Ponies accepted for initial training to harness or further driven schooling and pairs, tandems and teams put together.